
ServicesDesign & Build Infrastructure Landscape MEP Nursery Water Features Trees Trees are a vital part on any ecosystem and a great addition to any garden or green area. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilise the soil, provide fruits and give life to the world’s wildlife. Not only

Shrubs & Ground Cover

ServicesDesign & Build Infrastructure Landscape MEP Nursery Water Features Shrubs & Ground Cover Ground covers are perennial plants used as grass substitutes in regions where grasses do poorly, or they are sometimes combined with grassy areas to produce a desired design. The deep greens, bronzes, and other colours that ground-cover plants can provide offer pleasing


ServicesDesign & Build Infrastructure Landscape MEP Nursery Water Features Palms Palm trees (Aceraceae) are iconic tropical and hot climate forest plants. However, the familiar postcard images of coconut palms leaning over white sandy beaches do not capture the stunning diversity of palms and their importance to humans and ecosystems. There are over 2,500 species of